我们可以通过以下的方法进行功能添加,同时也可以使用比较快速的插件方法实现,插件名称为This Day In History。
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function wp_today(){ global $wpdb; $post_year = get_the_time('Y'); $post_month = get_the_time('m'); $post_day = get_the_time('j'); $sql = "select ID, year(post_date_gmt) as h_year, post_title, comment_count FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_password = '' AND post_type = 'post' AND post_status = 'publish' AND year(post_date_gmt)!='$post_year' AND month(post_date_gmt)='$post_month' AND day(post_date_gmt)='$post_day' order by post_date_gmt DESC limit 5"; $histtory_post = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if( $histtory_post ){ foreach( $histtory_post as $post ){ $h_year = $post->h_year; $h_post_title = $post->post_title; $h_permalink = get_permalink( $post->ID ); $h_comments = $post->comment_count; $h_post .= "<li><strong>$h_year:</strong> <a href='".$h_permalink."' title='".$h_post_title."' target='_blank'>$h_post_title($h_comments)</a></li>"; } } if ( $h_post ){ $result = "<h2>历史上的今天:</h2><ul>".$h_post."</ul>"; } return $result; } function wp_today_auto($content){ if( is_single() ){ $content = $content.wp_today(); } return $content; } add_filter('the_content', 'wp_today_auto',9999); |
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<?php echo wp_today(); ?> |